School Community
Relationships in the Community
We regard the education of our students as a shared responsibility involving the student, Parents, the school and the wider community. We welcome the involvement of community Members/organisations, local industry and education in its sharing of knowledge, experience and resources with us. Good working relationships have been established to facilitate engagement and communication between the school, parents, parish and the wider community that we serve.
Members of local business and the local community have been very generous with their time in providing expertise and guidance to our pupils and staff including playing an active role in our career days. They have also been very generous in terms of their support for the school show and providing monies for Achievement Awards.
We have established strong links and collaborative relationships and engagement with the following:-
Old Library Trust, Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum, Foyle Food Bank, HURT, Young Enterprise, Firmus Energy, Children In Crossfire, St Vincent De Paul, NSPCC, Public Health Agency ,Western Health and social Care Trust, Holocaust Educational Trust, Reach Across, School Employer Connections, The Nerve Centre, Derry City Council, Citizens Advice Bureau, Barclays New Futures Programme, Derry Credit Union, The Consumer Council, Millennium Forum, The Playhouse, Everglades Hotel, Tower Hotel, Derry Visitor Convention Bureau, Ulster American Folk Park, Creggan Country Park, The Rosemount Resource Centre, Step Up Science Programme run in conjunction with the University Of Ulster, North West Regional College that offers the Vocational Education Pathway for year 11 and 12 pupils, Job skills, CITB, Aim Higher Roadshow, Protocol and Cocoon, The DOE, Emergency and Legal services, and the City Hotel.